Friday, June 14, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 1

Hello everyone!

We made it! We are officially in the country of Guatemala and we couldn't be more excited!

We had a LONG day today... We arrived at Wooddale at 1:30 AM this morning, got to the airport and security by 5 AM, hopped on our first flight at 5:20, got to Atlanta, left at 10:45, then arrived in Guatemala at 12!

Our Global Partner, Jaime, met us at the airport with our two "Chicken Buses" and we left for the retreat center where we will be staying for the next couple of nights.

We were very excited to eat lunch, which was spaghetti and meat sauce (yum!), then relax for the remainder of the afternoon. Many people took naps to catch up on sleep, explored the views, the Children's team made bracelets, med team packed more meds, the Sprama team prepared for tomorrow, and Mime team and practiced their skits.

Dinner was chicken, rice, and cooked vegetables, and there was coffee and cookies and sweet bread as dessert!

We are now showering up and getting ready for bed so we can be prepared to wake up and be ready for breakfast and our FIRST day of serving at 7 AM!

Please pray for a great first day of serving, teams to work together to glorify His name, and for safety and health.

Catch you guys tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the update. We send our encouragement and prayers for energy on your first day of ministry. Blessings to you all!
    The Sitzman Family
