Thursday, June 20, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 7

Hola for the last time from San Marcos!

Today was our VERY LAST serving day here in Guatemala! We can’t believe it’s over! God has done some amazing work over these past 7 days, and we can’t wait to rest and relax these next couple of days before we head home on Sunday!

Here’s an update from our teams:

  • Today the Sprama team went to a school in both the morning and afternoon. They played 3 games this morning, and Colton G shared his testimony. Everyone did an amazing job and there were a TON of people there! They came back for lunch and had hamburgers with chips and Pepsi! This afternoon they went to another school and played a couple more games of soccer, then a game or two of basketball, too! Baldy, our interpreter, used to play basketball in El Salvador professionally, so he helped us a bunch!! We came back for dinner around 6 with the rest of the group.

  • The Children’s team had 400 kids for their first show, and then another 150 came while they were playing games. Controlled chaos and the students did great! See some of the pictures below. :)
  • Rachel B: The children at the first school were wild. Fun, but wild. They do not understand the concept of staying in a line for jump rope, but Ellie and I (Rachel) managed to survive... At the second school we unfortunately did not have power, so we were unable to sing songs and do the puppet show. We improvised by singing easier songs and Jacob and Madeline read the script out loud for the puppet show. After we all had a swag, epic balloon sword fight with the children👶🏻 thx! Love ya!

  • The med team was the first team to head out this morning and get to work! We went to a school and set up our clinic there. It was really well organized! We worked for 4 hours and then had lunch of hamburgers like the Sprama team! Except ours were delivered to us and we didn’t leave the clinic. We worked until 5 PM and overall we saw 150 patients in total!! This includes 30 “kits” of ibuprofen, tums, cough drops, and vitamins that we gave to people that were unable to see Malia or Dr. Byron since we ran out of time. We are grateful we had leftover medicine to give them and bless them! We got back to the church at 5 and went to go get ice cream!

  • The Mime team had another incredible day, too! This morning, the team went to a school about a half hour away. They performed outside on a basketball court! The audience consisted of mostly of older kids, like probably around 9th grade. The Mime team came back and had lunch at the church with Sprama and Children’s team as well! Then this afternoon was such a God thing the way things unfolded! Their second presentation today for 105 high school students.  The electricity went down, but the mime team kept rolling via backup sound. Seyoung gave her testimony in Spanish and it was awesome! It began to rain just after we finished. After this presentation, 41 students prayed and asked Jesus to take control of their lives. The power outage didn't get in the way and the rain held off until we were finished..and then it rained! God is GOOD! They headed back to the church after that.

After everyone got back to the church, we had a dinner of chicken, rice, and vegetables! Another great meal!! It also came with a cookie, which we were all very excited for. :) After dinner we walked to another church to have a worship night for our last night here!

There were not one, not two, but THREE bands that played tonight! The first was the local church’s worship band. We sang “Alive” by Hillsong Young and Free as one of the songs!! Then a more alternative band played and one of the songs they did was “God’s Not Dead!” So fun! Then the last band was the pastor’s sons Nery and Pedro along with some of our students singing “Reckless Love” and a couple others songs, too. 

After that, Mike preached and did an amazing job! Then the Mimes performed for the LAST time! Our home stays picked us up from there and we headed there for the last time.

It was one amazing day! We can’t wait for tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for our students and leaders. People are getting tired, and we want people to stay healthy and happy for our last days of the trip! Thanks everyone!

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