Sunday, June 16, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 3

Med Team

Hello loved ones of the 2019 Guatemala team. This is Maddie Lego, an avid cards player as of Thursday and member of the medical team on this trip. My first remarks are directed towards my parents, sister, brother and beloved cat. I want to say that I love you far..I have not fallen ill (don’t worry I am taking my probiotics). Anyway, Emma has tasked me with writing the med team update, this, as you may imagine, was one of the most exciting thing that I have done all day. This is, however, mostly due to the fact that Emma speaks english, a language that I have been asking...more like begging God to hear all day.

… Emma here, now. Maddie didn’t finish, so I’ll update you with what I know of the Med team’s experience today.

The Med team went back to the same church we did yesterday and did another clinic. It’s voting day in Guatemala, so Dr. Byron was back in his hometown voting today, so Malia was our only physician. She did a great job! Yesterday we saw 127 people, and today we saw 70 people. Becca S said that a highlight was playing with the kids… There was a time where Megan, Sydney, and Becca were at the prayer table and a boy came up and kissed their cheek! They thought it was so cute of him to do that. They were at the clinic from 8 AM this morning until 7 PM tonight! This team is working HARD and hasn’t complained one bit! So thankful for them!

Hello amazing people looking at this blog, its Lauren Stauffer. It’s already day 3 and it has gone by so fast! One of the coolest things I’ve seen so far happened yesterday (the 15th). We were at this field in the middle of the mountains, on some far away field playing soccer. For our skit we need electricity to be able to use the speaker and hear the music but there was no way to get any electricity to where we were. All of a sudden this car drives by blasting some spanish music from this amazing speaker set up. After they drive by, they turn back around and pull onto the field… Some of the team had an idea to ask these random people if there was any chance we would be able to use their speakers. To all of our surprise they said yes! We were able to share the story of Jesus in each of our lives and show others how forgiving He could be. Everyone seemed to be captivated by the skit and people were even videotaping it. It was truly God’s way of working through us to show others His word. Just thought I’d share that story because it was really cool. Today, we got to play soccer a LOT and perform our skit twice. It rained super hard (we thought it was hail) but it ended up just being lots and lots of rain. This rain wasn’t all bad though. It helped us to become closer with the Guatemalans we had been playing against because we were all huddled a little awning. They were so sweet and wanted pictures with us. I love the people here and hope to keep making new amigos. Love you mom and dad!!!! Tell Ella I miss her.. There are so many dogs here!!!! I love them all.

Childrens team:
Abby, Rachel, Ellie, Madeline reporting

This morning we got on the bus and the first location was in a little church right off of the road. We walked in and there were balloons on the ceiling so we were excited! We walked on the street knocking on doors to invite kids to come. Once we got an audience, we gave the kids temporary tattoos, my favorite being the monster truck. We did our presentation and sang some songs. They also served us a nice lunch.

In the afternoon, we joined the Med Team at a church. We set up our presentation outside and played with the kids while their families were being treated by the team. All of a sudden, there was a HUGE blast of thunder and lightning. We had our entire speaker system set up and our puppet show stage, but we put our hands together and prayed the storm away. El fin.


Mime Team

Hi! Sara here. For breakfast we had pancakes and/or cereal. We packed our things after that. We then talked about the book of Revelation in our team. It was a very fruitful conversation. We loaded the bus and then got to our first location which was a church. We did the Mime skits, Seyoung shared her testimony, and Emma bought us ice cream, go Emma! We came back and had beef for lunch with rice and broccoli. We left then a couple hours later for our second location. It started POURING rain! Our van was trying to get up a hill and we bottom-ed out, so we were stuck and it was also still raining. We had to get out help push in our mime outfits which was a funny scene. We eventually got it out and went to our next performance. We performed, then met the EPPIC Guatemala City team here! It was really cool to talk to people who had been doing this for awhile and could relate to our mime struggles. The hosts there made us tamales and ponche!!!!! Which is fruit punch but with actual fruit. Then we came back, had fried chicken for dinner, very tasty, and mashed potatoes. We then had team time with everyone and shared about our experience in Guatemala so far, and now we are playing cards before bed!

1 comment:

  1. You guys look like you are having lots of fun! Thanks for the pictures
