Monday, June 17, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 4

Hola from San Marcos!

We had a full, full day of travel today. We left this morning after eating a breakfast of french toast and cereal!

We left around 8 AM and stopped for lunch at a mall in Xela City at 2 PM with a couple bathroom breaks in there, too. 

The mall had a lot of American food, so it was familiar to us! Many of us had Panda Express, Subway, Dominos, and McDonald's for lunch. We spent an hour and a half eating and looking around at the shops, then finished our trek around 6 PM. 

When we arrived at our host church with open arms! Pastor Nery and his family and members of the congregation had balloons everywhere and a live band waiting for us! It was such a fun way to finish our long day of travel!

We had dinner together, then had a dance party to Guatemalan music! We took turns going into the dance circle and pretty much everyone got in the circle... We have a great video of Chuck Knuth we can't wait to show you all!

After that home stays began arriving and we headed on our ways! We can't wait for our first serving day tomorrow in San Marcos!

Please pray for health for our teams, a few of us aren't feeling too well. Please also pray for the community here and that we are able to serve them with great joy and that they receive us well! 

Gracias! Catch you guys tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad you guys are having such an impact on the area. Please take care of yourself and constantly wash hands or use sanitizer.
