Friday, June 21, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 8

Hola from Santiago!

Our team had our FIRST day of rest and relaxation and it was 100% a success!

This morning we left San Marcos around 9 AM. Before we left, some of our friends gave each and every one of us a homemade notebook! It was so thoughtful and sweet of them to do that.

We drove a very windey 4 hours to Lake Atitlan for a boat ride across the lake and it was absolutely breathtaking! After the ride that lasted about an hour, we docked at our hotel and had a lunch of hamburgers and potato wedge French fries. The students absolutely love it here and some even started chanting “This is heaven! This is heaven!”

After lunch was free time and most students found themselves in or around the pool. The leaders were challenged to a belly flop contest, so Erik, Chris S, Emma, Aaron, and Keely took turns doing belly flops off the diving board... We love our students, sounds like we’d do anything for them, right? :)

After the pool lots of us went to the saunas they have here which look like rock igloos! They also had eucalyptus plants inside from the trees around the property here which smelled amazing!!

Dinner was at 7 and we had chicken with salsa, rice, and guacamole! Delicioso! After dinner the kitchen staff came out with a birthday cake slice and candle for Emma since it was her birthday! Everyone sang happy birthday to her first in Spanish, then in English! It was so sweet! Then we gave Emma the secret card we had signed for her all week. She had to stop reading it because she was crying it made her so happy.

Then we had some free time so some played cards in the dining hall, chess, ping pong in the game room, and we all headed to bed at 10. 

Pray for one last fun day for us tomorrow in Antigua! The team did great today! Excited to finish things off tomorrow. :)


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