Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 5

An exclusive report brought to you by Rachel and Ellie

This morning, we got up from our homestay, ate breakfast, and went on our way. The first school we went to was the biggest yet- we put our show on in front of almost 350 kids. Rachel gave her testimony, and then we handed the bracelets out to 350 kids in a very efficient manner. The school gave us popsicles before we left. ¡Deliciosa! A lot of people got sunburned. Ellie and Rachel did not get sunburned because Ellie forced Rachel to put on her sunscreen. 

Baldy, one of our interpreters, bought us ice cream after lunch.

Then, we ate lunch and went to the second school. Ellie gave her testimony but the kids started getting up and walking away during because it started raining. Then we made balloon animals and they were demanding espadas left and right even though we were making them as fast as we could. We were able to chat with the kids for a while and use our Spanish. They gave us traditional Guatemalan rice water. ¡Deliciosa! 


Much like the children’s team, we woke up, ate breakfast and left for our clinic. This was a church located in a warehouse around twenty minutes away from our homestay. We immediately set up shop and got right to work. There were a few notable things that were different about this service location in comparison to the previous location. The prayer area was a lot larger and was operated by pastors this were constantly praying for the patients. This was one of the most amazing parts of the trip where many of our team were touched by the gestures of the patients. 

Though there were many good things that happened today, we had a few hiccups. The first was that we were out of children’s ibuprofen. This was one of the most common medicines that were given out and were in demand. This problem was solved by a one year old. This girl was  asking what was in a box and tada...thirty bottles of ibuprofen. Praise God! We have absolutely no idea how this got there.

The next was that we had lost a bag with some more of our most prescribed medication. Luckily the bag was located by one of our trip leaders, Jaime. We were then able to work efficiently for the rest of the night and as usual were late to dinner.


We woke up, ate breakfast separately at each of our homestays and then met up at the church. From there, we hurriedly put on our mime makeup and then jumped in the van/bus. (Also Mike rode with us). After a ride in the van we arrived at our destination: a school. We set up and performed for part of the students at the school. Afterwards, we had a Q&A session with the audience and Kayla gave her testimony. It was so cool to see how responsive the audience was to our performance. About 30 students accepted Christ!! We even had a little boy named Tyler bravely come up to us and start asking us about Jesus. It was a really cool conversation and really showed us the impact that we can make on the people here.

From the school we went to lunch, and then had some devo time. Before we left for our second performance, Mike bought us ice cream (shhhhhhhhh) and it was delicious! 

At our second performance, we once agin performed for a group of students. They were very inquisitive and interested in what we were doing. Several of us were able to have some really deep and thoughtful discussions about Christianity with the students, which was really cool.

From there, we headed to dinner- spaghetti!

Lauren Sitzman

Today we went to two schools and played basketball and soccer at both. The first school we went to was smaller than the second one, and all of the students were so kind and were excited to talk to our team. We performed our skits, and then me and Lauren Stauffer shared our testimonies with the students. The students that we shared the gospel with seemed to be impacted by our messages and by our skit, which just motivates us to keep going. Today was a high energy, and very memorable day. The people we met, and the places we visited were absolutely amazing, and a great blessing from God. 


  1. It's so good to hear that you had your first home stay. We have been praying that it went well for everyone. Also, prayers for good health, rest and many, many God sightings.
    Sending much love!

  2. So fun hearing details about your trip, especially all the ways that God is showing up! Keep up the great work!!!!
