Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 6

Hola from San Marcos!

I’m currently writing this post from the host church where many of our students are singing worship songs with some of our Guatemalan friends. They just finished singing “How Great Thou Art” and “This is Amazing Grace.” This is truly a glimpse of heaven I wish you all could see... It has been such a privilege to spend the last 6 days with these students and leaders and I can’t wait for the next few days!

Today all of the teams went to Tejulta! A small town nearby.

The Med team had a much more easygoing day, thankfully! This team has been working so hard and they deserved a little break! The team was at the church there and had lots of room to have their clinic! It was a great space. Malia and Dr. Byron saw 47 patients today, and it was so awesome. A highlight of the day was from Sydney C who got to play soccer with a small boy named Josue. They even got done early (!!) and headed back to San Marcos with all of us around 6 PM.

The Sprama team played soccer on a very nice, covered turf field! We played 3 games this morning and then did the skit for about 50 people. The students watching were very engaged and seemed to really like the skit! On the comment cards there were many encouraging comments such as “We love you, please come back!” Jack E and Chris B shared their testimonies and did a great job! We came back to the church for lunch at 12:30 until 2:30 and had chicken sandwiches with chips and Pepsi! They were so good! We went back to the field and played another several games, one of which Braedon Z made an AMAZING goal and the crowd went wild! We went on to win that game! One of the first games we’ve won on the trip. We performed the skit again and many students in the audience had their phones out to record! They loved it! Then Lauren H and Noah H shared their testimonies. It was so amazing to have siblings share one after the other! We played a few more games then headed back to the buses to head back to San Marcos for a dinner of beef with yummy sauce and rice!

The Children’s team this morning was at the same church the Med Team was at, too! They performed  for another HUGE group... More than 200 kids! Jacob K shared his testimony in Spanish and did an amazing job!! After their program they played lots of games with the kids such as basketball and soccer on a big cement court! There were also a lot of balloon animals that were made... Many of them popped, unfortunately, and left a colorful confetti of sorts on the court once they left. The team had lunch, then headed to another school of 1,200 students and saw almost 150 of them! This team is amazing! Aaliyah R shared her testimony and also did a great job! She does an awesome job connecting with the kids and other Guatemalans here. They wrapped up and headed back to the buses to head to San Marcos.

Lastly, the Mime team! The team first performed at a school outside in Tejutla. They performed for 120 younger kids at the school. They had the same lunch as the rest of the team, but they brought it to them at the school. The second performance was at the same place but with a lot of older children and there were about 200 of them. Sara L shared her testimony (in Spanish!) and was awesome! There were 27 first time decisions to follow Jesus and a LOT of rededications to Christ! Praise God! They finished their performances and talking to people afterwards and headed back to the church and we all went back to San Marcos.

Please pray for health, energy, and understanding for our team! We have one more service day left then a couple days of fun!

Thanks everyone!


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