Saturday, June 15, 2019

Guatemala 2019 - Day 2

Hola from Guatemala!

We had SUCH an awesome first day of serving here in Guatemala City!

Here's a recap of what each team did:

Children's Team - Actual quotes from Children's Team members

  • The first group was flexible, because we didn't know how to face paint. - Rachel B
  • Lots of small kids and dogs. - Rachel B
  • "A lot of kids wanted balloon animal snakes, which is good because we didn't know how to make much else." - Ellie B
  • We had to relocate because it was raining at the first location we went to it rained, but it went well at the second location! - Rachel B
Medical Team
  • Today we saw over 140 patients!
  • We set up in a local church, and when we got there, there was already 100 people waiting for us,
  • We held the clinic from 9 AM to 7 PM. The physician we brought with us, Malia, worked with Dr. Byron (our Guatemalan doctor) to see all of these patients today. 
  • Not only were there many adults who came, but many children, as well! There were probably 50 children running around laughing with team members such as Sydney C, Rachel K, Kayla K, and Maddie L. 

Mime Team
  • The first part, when we performed in the morning, was off the side of the road. There was a lot of kids that showed up with their mom. There were about 75 kids there! We did a couple of skits, there was a sermon, TJ did his testimony. 
  • Baldy, our Children's team interpreter, came with this team today and they played games and hit two pinatas together!
  • After lunch, the team headed to a church nearby and did a couple of the skits there. It was a smaller group of people.
  • "There were dogs there that were really cute but we couldn't pet," - Bryn H

  • We went to a soccer place that was just a 5v5 arena... Like 10 year olds beat us really easily. We played 4 games, but some of the other teams played each other and not us. We performed the skit and it went really well!
  • After lunch we went to a field that did not have any electricity... So we weren't sure how we would be able to do the skit since we didn't have music to perform to. We went on to go play soccer when a car drove by with a really nice sound system. We thought they would just drive by and leave when they actually came and parked at the field.
  • A couple of our students went over to ask them if we could use their speakers to play our music and they said YES! We were able to do the skit and God provided in such an amazing way!

After we all arrived back at the church, we had dinner (beef, rice, salsa, guacamole, beans, and chips with a Coke!), had a worship service with the local church which included worship music, the mime team performance, and Mike doing a teaching!

We are now back at the retreat center where we are staying and lights out is in 10 mins! 

Thank you again for your prayers! Please continue for energy for the teams, for open minds and hearts of the Guatemalan people, and flexibility. 


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