Monday, June 13, 2016

1st day serving

This morning all of us returned from our first home stay experience and overall the students already love their families and are excited to spend more time with them.

We had our first day of service and the students jumped in with arms wide open.  I traveled with the medical team today and they saw over 200 patients.  (This is a quite a number for their first clinic!)

We prayed with all of the patients throughout the day and saw two women make first time decisions to trust Christ. (One was in her 50s and the other was 19 with a new born baby.)

We also saw a woman with a badly injured arm improve the ability to straighten it by about 35%.  We prayed for her twice.  The second time she said that the pain "vanished" from her arm and she moved it straighter than we had ever see before.  God is a healer.

A lot of kids came through the clinic and each received a beanie baby that had been donated.  It brought a huge smile to their faces.

We returned to the church and had a great dinner which included chicken salad sandwiches and hotdogs.

After dinner we worshiped together with my guitar and I shared from God's Word (Revelation 2:1-5).
Jesus challenged us to get back to our first love and to "keep the main thing the main thing."  Our home stay families were all on time and picked us up at 9pm to take us home.

It was one of the best "first days" we've had in the seven years that I've led this trip.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support!

Our Intake Station!
This woman named Rosa prayed with us to receive Jesus into her life for the first time!


  1. God is truly the Almighty Healer! Praise the Lord!

  2. What exciting news! Two hundred people at the clinic: that is amazing! I love seeing the photos and seeing Lisa, Cassandra and Mark and Abbey! It is so thrilling to see photos of people who are being healed at the clinic, who are receiving care and encouragement and who are receiving hope and Christ's saving grace into their lives. Thank you all for being brave enough and being full of the Love of Christ to participate in this short term Mission to Guatemala.
    We are having our own mini-rainy season here in Minnesota and we thank God for the rain and the greenness around us. Charlotte, you would love this lovely, rainy day, It feels like Oregon in the spring kinda weather. We miss you very, very much and are so proud of you. We can't wait to see your photos!

  3. Wow, thanks for this post, so encouraging to those of us back home and wondering what is happening all the way down there in Guatemala. As usual, God is present and working when you go to honor Him. I've been praying for everyone! Tell Quinnie that she looks awesome in her purple scrubs and I hope her allergies are better, I've been praying about that, too!
