Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lawn mowers!

Yesterday was another beautiful day here in beautiful Tejutla.  
Most of the kids have said, “I love it here, I don’t want to leave!”

The medical team continued seeing patients at the church.  They saw 185 patients yesterday!

The mime team didn’t have a performance until the afternoon so they practiced a little in the morning before heading to a school in the afternoon!

Children’s team went to two different schools and continued sharing the love of Christ.  They have gotten really good at making balloon animals for the kids.  They have made hundreds of them, ha! 

The service team built a roof over the concrete sink that they installed for a single mom who has six kids.  They finished the concrete steps on the side of the mountain too! 

I went with the sports and drama team yesterday.  We started at a neighboring school, where we found six sheep on the soccer field.  This is how they keep the grass mowed! (Actually!) The field was huge and the boys played 11 on 11 while the girls played 5 on 5 basketball with the girls at the nearby basketball court.  They performed the drama on the basketball court and students continue to respond to the gospel message.

We celebrated Charlotte’s birthday with cake and fireworks!  She’s 18!

Later in the evening we had some time just with our Wooddale team.  It was a great time of prayer, worship, and a teaching from one of our translators, Victor.  His teaching is always one of the favorites each year!

We are traveling today to San Marcos and will stop for a little break at some hot springs!

Thanks for your continued prayerand support!



  1. I continue to be amazed at all that is being accomplished by each SH team and leaders. I pray for all your continued strength and endurance to serve people in need and those open to receiving Jesus Christ into their lives.

  2. Love reading about the day's events. The teams are doing amazing work! Update from EP sports; baseball lost first two games at state, boys lax took third. Girls lax took 1st with an 11-9 win over Blake. Keep sharing God's word. Will continue to pray for the teams and the lives you touch. Lynette McLaughlin

  3. So thankful and grateful to read of all the great and wonderful tasks and ministries of the team. We are praying for you daily and thinking of you all. Thank you for celebrating Charlotte's 18th birthday. It was SO HARD to be far away from her on this special birthday, but this mission trip was so important, she could not miss it. We are having beautiful, sunny days here in Minnesota, but it is a bit humid and hot (90 degrees) this Fathers' Day. Hope your weather is beautiful and all the clinics and programs go well. Miss you all!
