Monday, June 20, 2016

Catching you up!

Sunday started with passing out the personal notes that you had sent us through email.  It was a full day on Sunday.

I went with the service team.  These students are fierce.  The group was split in two on this day.  The first group helped to dig out a walk way between two houses and lay brick with the owners of the property.  The second group moved dirt to level out the foundation of a new church building that is going up.  They hope to lay cement next month.  This is an amazing service team and they have poured out their hearts for the Guatemalans.  

We ended Sunday with a huge youth service.  We worshiped for about an hour.  We sang songs in English and Spanish and jumped a lot.  Our calves are sore this morning.  The mime and sports/drama team performed again and some of the Guatemalan youth sang a song for us too!

The time ended with a reflection from 1 Timothy 4:12 by long-time partner Pastor Nery.  The students responded by kneeling. Then all the leaders laid hands on the Guatemalan and American students and prayed for them.  It was one of the most powerful moments of our trip.

The service went late, so this morning we were a bit tired.  Pray for that.  We are on the home stretch. The medical team prayed with 3 people to received Christ into their life for the first time just this morning and the mime team performed in front of 250 students with over 200 responding to the Gospel message!  God is working!

We will have some team time tonight and get to our home stays by 8pm.  Tomorrow will be our last day in San Marcos.

Have a great Monday!


  1. So exciting to read how all the teams are using their gifts, serving God, and seeing fruit! We are praying for you, that you will continue to bless the people of Guatemala and that their hearts would be receptive. Big hug to Anna! Sarah Hage

  2. I am so fulfilled that my daughter has had the opportunity to experience this trip! God is good, and it so great the kids are seeing this! Sydney Borgen, I love you to the moon and back, and couldn't be more proud of the person you are! Miss you kiddo!

  3. What a blessing to me as a father to hear about how all our kids are making in impact on the Guatemalan people to honor and glorify God as well as how He is mightily impacting our kids' lives. So awesome to see Dylan and all the Service team smiling together and hearing of their fierce desire to complete projects. Proud of you, Dylan!

  4. I was moved to tears (not a big surprise) by these photos. To see the work that is being done by all the teams is truly amazing! Charlotte, I am so glad you were so brave and decided to go on this mission trip. I pray that you are infused with the Love of God and His love for His children. Char, Kathy, Abbey and Taryn, I am praying every day for you and your health, energy and strength, and pray for all the team members, staff and every Guatemalan you meet, as well as their country. Can't wait to have you all home again and hear all about the Mission. Love and hugs, Starr

  5. So good to hear all seems to be in Gods hands and going to his plan. Prayers for all it continues to a great and successful, healthy, happy end! Love and hugs to My Katie and Jake! So glad we finally got to see a pic of u both! Love Mom and Dad, Drew, Greta and Rhett
