Friday, June 17, 2016

We love Tejutla!

Yesterday was another great day of service.

The medical team opened their clinic here at the church.  This is a large building that has a school and radio station and allowed each medical station to spread out and serve hundreds of people.

The service team is helping to build a staircase on the side of a mountain.  You read that right! Cement has been poured and they will do some touch ups today.

The mime team performed in the town square.  This attracts people from all walks of life.  The first crowd was very receptive to the gospel!

In the last two days our sports and drama team have won their first games!  First the girls…and then the boys. Winning in this context is not that important…but it’s nice to win a couple games! The cooler weather of Tejutela is helping to keep their legs fresh! (Joe M got on the church radio and invited the town to come to a special field to play yesterday!)  They performed the drama in the morning and multiple students shared their faith stories in the afternoon.

I traveled with the children’s team yesterday and am so impressed by how “all in” this children’s team is!  They performed three times yesterday.  First at the church at 10am.  Then at a church in the mountains at 2pm and then another school at 4pm.  Hundreds of children said yes to Jesus yesterday.  It’s overwhelming at times!

In the evening we had a youth service and the church filled up!  Over 350 Americans’ and Guatemalans’ lifting up the name of Jesus.  Jumping, clapping, and worshiping in two languages is  breathtaking.  Both the mime and drama teams performed and I encouraged the youth to understand what it means to be an ambassador for Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)

Another full day of service today.  We are feeling energized by what God is doing spiritually!

Thanks for praying.


  1. What a blessing to hear how all SH teams are being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to the Guatemalan people. Praise the Lord!

  2. Wow! This sounds like a VERY great day of service and ministry! You are all putting in very full, active, busy days and nights. I will pray for physical strength and endurance to continue on with your mission and goals while you are in Guatemala. It is exciting to hear the details of what you are involved in each day. I am thankful for your willingness to serve others.

  3. Praying for all the teams today! Praying for health, safety and for strength to do the tasks at hand. We are so thankful that many are interested in the mime performances and drama team's performances, as well as the sports. It is so exciting to learn about the combined worship and praise services and how you all were so handsomely welcomed! It is warming our hearts and we are filled with joy to learn that so many are accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; lives are being changed for today and for all Eternity!

    Sending Happy Birthday Wishes (#18) to our daughter, Charlotte Wyland, and please know, Charlotte, that many are praying for you to feel better. Sending love and hugs across the miles! Wish we were there with you!!!!

  4. Love hearing all the good work being done! Prayers to all! Shout out to Katie, Jake, Anna and Hallie!! Keep it up!!

  5. What a joy to read about the amazing things God is doing - working in the lives of so many! Thankful for the good weather, safety and astounding number of decisions being made for Christ. Prayer is powerful!!
