Sunday, June 12, 2016

We made it!

We made all of our flights and arrived in Guatemala City safely at about 1pm.
Praise the Lord.  We asked for this! He answered!

The church cooked a wonderful meal for lunch.  (cheeseburgers and chicken) We were hungry.  Then the Renuevo (Reknew) Church Worship Band played three worship songs in Spanish to welcome us. 

Introductions of Pastor Freddy and Jaime Lopez were done by Elizabeth Shirley translating who was on this trip as a student 5 years ago and now is a Wooddale supported global partner living down here in Guatemala doing fantastic ministry. (proud youth pastor moment for me, ha!)

We were introduced to our home-stays.  It was a great reunion.
Dinner and hang out time with them and off to bed.

We have a full day of service tomorrow!  Pray that everything we have been training for will be a blessing to the Guatemalans!


  1. So glad to hear this news of your safe travel and warm welcome you received in Guatemala City! Praying for a wonderful day for you all tomorrow and for effective ministry.

  2. Thankful for safe travels and excited to hear how you are used for Him today. Praying right now that your service is a huge blessing to all you meet and spend time with each day.

  3. So glad you had safe travels and a wonderful reception and welcome. Praise God! We had a lovely storm here up north with plenty of thunder, lightning and rain. Sending love and hugs to Charlotte, Kathy M. Abbey M. and Taryn F. and to all the medical team and all the teams and adult supervisors. Praying without ceasing!

  4. A note to send blessings to each participant. You will be a blessing to
    each person you come in contact with. I
    Pray for a successful ministry. God Bless.
