Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Our last day of serving.

We left San Marcos this morning and headed to Eagle's Nest Orphanage.  It's an amazing place run by amazing people!  Check it out:

We served the orphans here with our children's and mime program. Our sports and drama team jumped in with our service team and knocked off about 4 different projects on the property.

The medical team opened the clinic and helped many of the babies and youngest kids here.  Eagle's Nest cares for 49 children and it's the best orphanage that I have ever been a part of! (That's to plant a seed for your family to do a mission trip down here sometime in the next few years. :)

Tonight, we will start sharing what God has been doing in our lives over the last two weeks.  We will worship and pray together and former senior high alumni and leader Shane Goronkin will share the Word of God for us tonight.  It's going to be a great!  Pray for soft hearts and open hands.

Tomorrow we head to Lake Atitlan.

Blessings on your family.

This is the view from Eagle's Nest Orphanage! 


  1. So great to hear about the wonderful Eagle's Nest organization helping orphans. I'll be sharing this with a Realtor partner of mine as he has been working with adoption organizations for a number of years and is currently adopting into their family. Mark, you are looking energized in your group photo. Keep up the mighty work for God's Kingdom. Our prayers are ongoing for all of you.

  2. Hi Haley,
    You people are causing the ground to shake!! We are excited to hear about your experiences and how your Spanish worked out.
    Love G & G
