Thursday, June 16, 2016

Beautiful Tejutla!

We made it safely to Tejutla!  It was about a 7 hour drive.

We walked through the doors of the church to a 35 piece marching band!  They were playing the Chris Tomlin song, “God’s Great Dance Floor!  It was incredible.  

All of the home stays had made personalized signs with our names on them to formally greet us.  
We felt so blessed to be there!

Today is a full day of service.
Tonight is a huge youth service.  
They are planning for 400!

Pray for the Spirit to comfort and convict!



  1. What a wonderful experience to have the joy of Christian music and the love of the host families greet you in Tejutla. Our prayers are with you all to expand God's Kingdom in mighty ways serving today and at the youth service tonight.

  2. So cool to hear- talking to Lauras grandma today and she was asking about the team- she said she woke up at 4 am and prayed for the team- God is with you and wakes the body of Christ up to pray for you!

  3. Glad all are safe and within Gods hands, woeking his ministry! Bless each of you

  4. Praise The Lord! I get goose bumps reading these posts! Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. It is truly amazing to hear of the transformations taking place to structures and the beating hearts of others. God is so so Good and I am so appreciative that these students are such wonderful ambassadors of God's miraculous teachings and exude such goodness in expanding His kingdom! I continue to pray that you all sustain energy & good health in this ministry. Thank you for the pictures! God Bless ALL of You! I Love you Jacquie Marie!
