Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Last day in San Marcos

It's our last full day in San Marcos.  The people here are generous and kingdom minded.  The medical clinic is at the church that is hosting us and that you saw from the pictures yesterday.  Our med team is a well oiled machine!

The sports and drama team played three club teams today.   Just the boys played and the girls did the play by play!  Gooooooooool!  The boys won both games.  Sean shared his faith story.  A few of the Guatemalan soccer players checked the "first time accepting Christ" box and it was a great morning.

In the afternoon I saw the children's team minister in a daycare.  These kids loved hugging our students and playing with them.  Charlie gave his testimony and did a great job.

Tonight we are changing our plans.  The United States soccer team is playing Argentina in the Copa America at 7pm and we are going to a hotel to cheer on the boys and have a little ice cream to celebrate four amazing days in San Marcos.

We travel to Solola tomorrow and will do a half day of service at the orphanage there!

Thanks for all of your love and encouragement!


  1. My heart is overflowing with joy in hearing how each day God's Kingdom is growing in the lives served by our SH teams. I've been so excited to share some of the stories and pictures sent to us from Guatemala over the past few days with numerous people who have asked about the mission trip. God is Great! Keep up His mighty working and finish strong in San Marcos and the remainder of this week. Miss you all big time. Dylan, can't wait to put my arms around you. Lots of love!

  2. Love the updates! Praying for your last days and safe travels home. So proud of all of you! Love you Joe & Charlie!!
