Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Today was our second full day of service and last full day in Guatemala City.  It feels like we have been here a long time (in a good way).  We are packing a lot in!

I traveled with the mime team today.  They are perfecting the 30 minute program.  They performed twice this morning, first to the elementary kids and then the high school students. Many kids responded to the message of forgiveness!  See the photo below!

The sports and drama team was at the same school the mime team performed so I snapped a few photos too!

This mime team is a tight nit group.  They genuinely care for each other and want to keep getting better, not only as mimes, but as Christ followers!

In the afternoon we went to a school downtown.  Over 300 high school students saw the same presentation you saw at our send off service.  William our evangelist from El Salvador did an amazing job holding their attention at the end of the school day!  Hundreds responded!

We came back to the church for a team pasta dinner!  It was really good.

Tonight we were a part of their regular Tuesday night5 prayer service.  We sang more songs in English and Spanish.  It was a beautiful time of worship.  The drama and mime teams performed!  They did an amazing job.  I had the opportunity to preach again tonight on confession.  (James 5:13-16) Confession is a lost discipline of the Christian faith.  I challenged the Americans and Guatemalans to make confession a regular part of their walk.  5-6 students and adults came up to the microphone and started that challenge tonight in front of the whole church.

It was powerful.
Many tears.
So much applause.
And a moving of the Spirit!

Tomorrow is a travel day to Tejutela!  Thanks for your prayers.  We feel them.



  1. God is moving in mighty ways through you and all the SH team's thoughts, words, and actions to positively impact all the people He places in front of you.

  2. Thank you for keeping the blog updated Mark. Love reading how God is moving in our students lives and Guatemalans also. Praying for you all.

  3. Thank you for the update and the photos of the mime team. Chris Erickson and the whole student mime team have worked so hard and faithfully. Praying that Wednesday's travels went well and that all your programs/teams went smoothly yesterday and today. You all are in our constant prayers. Happy last day of being age 17, Charlotte! Early Happy Birthday Wishes. We love you to the moon and back and then back around again!

  4. Thanks for the updates! Love seeing all the happy faces! Looking good Tre! Love you lots!!
