Sunday, June 10, 2018

Guatemala 2018 - Day 1

Hi everyone!

Emma here, writing from Guatemala City!

We had a fantastic first day of travel to Guatemala.

Flying was a breeze, absolutely no issues at all! Praise God! One of our Med Team leaders, Kathy, was stopped by a flight attendant on our Atlanta to Guatemala City flight and told her that our group was wonderful. I'm feeling truly blessed by this group already!

Jaime, our global partner here in Guatemala, picked us up from the airport with TWO chicken buses, (just colorful buses, not ones with actual chickens in them!), and brought us to the church right here in Guatemala City.

On one of he buses the students had so much energy that they threw their arms up in the air and yelled as we went up and down the windy, hilly roads in the city! Hilarious!! I loved it, they loved it, the bus drivers loved it!

Once we arrived at the church we shared a lunch of hamburgers, some yummy chips, cookies, and Guatemalan sodas all together, while many of us rested our heads on the table since we were so tired.

After lunch we unloaded our bags from the buses and went inside to play a get-to-know you game with some young women from the church. It involved throwing a soccer ball around in a circle and if you dropped it, you'd go to the middle of the group and share your name, age, hobbies, and what you're excited about for Guatemala!

After that the worship team from the church led us in worship! They sang in English for us, too! The songs they sang were "This is Amazing Grace" and "Our God." The way that they led worship so passionately inspired many of our students and leaders and it was beautiful singing all together to one God!

Following that the host homes came and picked us up for the rest of the night! Many students went to a local soccer field and played some games of soccer with other Guatemalans from the church. Although we have some work to do to up our soccer skills, everyone of all skill levels had an absolute BALL! Pun intended. :)

We left around 7 PM to our respective host homes, so we'll update you on how those went tomorrow! I'm currently with Jamie Stites, Grace Witherspoon, and Sammi Martin and have a wonderful host family! Roberto and America are taking great care of us. We went to the local Walmart food court and had... Little Cesar's Pizza! Who knew! Roberto and America have such kind hearts and we are so thankful for them taking such good care of us.

That's all I've got for today, folks!

Thanks for checking in - Please pray for our first day of ministry tomorrow! God is going to move in big ways here and we can't wait to see it.


  1. So thankful for the update! Thanks Emma! I thank and praise God for a safe trip and wonderful first day!! I pray for health and rest for all as you prepare for your work ahead tomorrow!! God is good all the time! I am eager to hear of His good works being done through you all!

  2. Wow. I am so so excited for you all!! I remember so much of that first day, and I remember how it flew by so quickly! I'm glad to hear the soccer games continued this year... So happy to hear it was a great first day, and I am praying for you all for tonight and the days to come, the ministry you do, the expected and unexpected ministry done to you, and for you all to take it in and let God do His work-- not your own-- THROUGH you. God bless you all!! Xx ~Caroline Manning

  3. Thank you so much for this update. The group travel has been on my heart. Lots to organize. We continue to cover you all with prayer for God’s light to shine through each of you, for strength and courage beyond your own understanding. Nikki and Pat Sitzman

  4. Yeah! So glad to hear that you've made it safely. All of your are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep the updates coming. We are excited to hear about the host families.

    Abbie, Please remember to take your malaria meds!
    We love you!
    Mom, Dad, Tori and Parker

  5. Hello everyone! It’s so exciting to read your updates and pray over you as you go through this incredible adventure! I was on the trip last year and miss it so much. I am praying for all of you and your teams and that you would have the time of your lives serving God and letting him work through you! This trip is full of unbelievable opportunities and miracles and I’m so excited to continue reading about what you encounter these next two weeks!
