Monday, June 4, 2018

Guatemala 2018, here we come!

Hello everyone!

This is the blog where we will be sharing our daily updates from our Senior High trip to Guatemala in 2018. Check here for updates!

Here is the link to sign up for prayer: 

Send this link and the blog to friends and family as this will be the best way to keep updated on what's going on with the Senior High trip to Guatemala.

Also a reminder to attend our Guatemala Prayer Service on Saturday, June 9 at 7 PM in the Great Room.


  1. hi suzy!!! I hope you have the time of your life in Guatemala!! I pray that the Lord would fill you with an immense amount of love, joy, and peace!! you are such an amazing human & friend, and I have no doubt in my mind that God is going to do spectacular things, in and through your life. love you, and can’t wait to talk to you when you get home❤️ Camryn

  2. Hello Lena, Thank you for going on this trip. I know you had some trepidation about going. You light up around kids and have a gift for relating to them. I am super proud of you and I know this will be a life changing experience for you. Love and miss you and can't wait to see your beautiful face. Take lots of pics! Love Mom.

  3. hey hayley, i hope your trip is going amazing!!! i pray that God blesses you and everyone you touch when you are in Guatemala. I cant wait to hear all of your stories once you get home!! miss you so much best friend.
    much love and prayers,
