Thursday, June 14, 2018

Guatemala - Day 5

Hello everyone!

Our first full day in Tejutla was incredible! The weather here is much cooler than Guatemala City... Even cooler than Minnesota this time of year! The high today was 64 and when it started raining this afternoon, it went down to about 55 degrees!

All teams got to the church we're staying at, Bethesda, at 8:00 this morning. Many teams stuck around for awhile before heading out! Mime team performed at a park AND got their shoes shined on the way!

The service team was able to go help a woman whose house was affected by the aftermath of an earthquake a long time ago, they scooped up dirt from inside her home, picked up garbage outside, and even got to help with setting support beams.

The Children's team was at Bethesda church in the morning, putting on games and activities and their program for the children who attend school there, then headed to another school about 20 minutes away in the afternoon.

Today I had the privilege of being with the medical team. They do an OUTSTANDING job! Wow! As Lisa Schmid said, they truly are a "well-oiled machine."

The clinic was able to see over 100 patients today and TWO people gave their lives to Christ at the prayer and teaching station! Amazing!

After all the teams returned we had a dinner of chicken, rice, steamed carrots, and homemade tortillas.

The highlight of the day was most definitely the worship night after dinner. The band was amazing, and all the students went to the center of the room and jumped around and danced and laughed all night! Even the Guatemalan children joined in.

The mime team performed for us all, then Chris Erickson shared a message about justification, sanctification, and glorification.

It was a wonderful day and we can't wait to serve Tejutla again tomorrow! Check out our Instagram post @wooddalesh to see a video of our worship night!


  1. It has been very moving to read about how much you all are giving on this trip. Learning about the wonderful interactions with the children, the hard work from the service team, the performances from the extremely talented mime group, and the potentially life saving services that the med team provides... It's overwhelming! Just absolutely amazing work by everyone there and we are all so proud of each and every one of you! Truly a life changing experience for all, but especially the seniors on the trip.

    Hey Aja, I spotted you in the Instagram video dancing your heart out. So glad to see how much fun you're having on this trip! Miss you, love you and so proud to have such an amazing daughter!


  2. So thankful for all the incredible work you are all doing and for the great updates and some photos! Lena I am so proud of you! Thank you for going on this trip of a lifetime and serving others. I love and miss you so much and can't wait to hear all about it and see more pictures. Love you! Mom
