Thursday, June 21, 2018

Guatemala - Day 12

Hola from Santiago!

Wow. Our team had an amazing day and I can’t wait to share about it with you!

This morning started quite a bit earlier for some of our students and leaders because they chose to wake up at 5:30 AM to watch the sunrise at Eagle’s Nest Orphanage in Solola. Although it was sort of cloudy and foggy, everyone sounded like they had a great experience!

For others of us, we woke up for a breakfast of pancakes, watermelon, and pineapple at about 7 AM. Eagle’s Nest was hosting a teacher’s day with over 250 people coming later in the morning, so we ate early and headed out around 9!

It was only about a 20-30 minute drive to our next stop... The boat ride across Lake Atitlán to Santiago!  The students LOVED being on the second level of the boat and just enjoying a peaceful time all together... But some did end up doing a pull-up contest from the overhang on the boat. I wasn’t surprised at all by this one. Gotta love 17 year olds!

Once we arrived we walked right up to our hotel and checked in. It was immaculate! It felt like paradise. We had lunch at noon which was burgers and French fries. Then for the rest of the afternoon there was free time! Students were able to spend time resting in their rooms, shopping, lay in hammocks, or go shopping! And I think everyone did a little of everything! 

Dinner was at 6 PM which was steak or chicken with cooked vegetables, rice, black beans, tortillas, and guacamole! It was so tasty!! 

After dinner some fireworks were shot off in honor of my (Emma’s) birthday today! Which was so thoughtful of our team to think of me today.

We were able to then enjoy a sermon from William, one of the Guatemalans who is working with the Mime team, about victory in Jesus. 

Following the service we all shared some birthday cake (again, so nice!), then headed off to bed.

We are feeling SO rested today and are excited for our day in Antigua tomorrow!

Please pray for continued health for our students - Many of them are feeling lots better after a day of rest and relaxation today! And that we are able to come back to the US and remember and put into action the things we were taught here in Guatemala.

Thank you! See you just a couple days!

1 comment:

  1. All, we have been praying for you every single day and eagerly read about your days! Aidan, I so look forward to having you back home and hearing about this trip. Please stay healthy everyone, and we pray for your safe return to Minnesota!
