Monday, June 18, 2018

Guatemala - Day 9

Hello everyone!

Before I do a recap, I'd like to first and foremost inform you all of something that occurred today.

One of our students will be heading home tomorrow morning. This is due to a skin rash that needs to be looked at in the United States. Mike will accompany them and they should be home by 5 PM tomorrow. The parents have been notified and are aware of what is occurring.

We are deeply saddened by the fact that Mike and this student will be going home, but we know that this is what is best for this student. Please pray for safe travels tomorrow for them, as well as for this student to receive great treatment back in MN to cure their condition.

As for the rest of us - We are doing well! We have checked everyone for bumps similar to this student and thankfully no one has any. We will keep an eye out each day, for sure.

All the teams had wonderful days.

The Mime team members told me about a multitude of people receiving Jesus into their hearts for the first time today. They performed at a Catholic church and even some people there wanted them to turn off the speakers because of the message... But, the hope of the Gospel prevailed and a woman who was 90 years old accepted Christ, then her daughter did, then her granddaughter did! And others! God is on the MOVE!

The Children's team went to two schools where there was one group of 300 kids, and another of about 100 or so! Aja shared her testimony in the morning, and Jackson Pope in the afternoon. They did an awesome job, it's so great to hear the hearts of these students, then see them pour out God's love for these kids.

Service team was able to do more concrete work in the community. Joel Johnson, their leader, has done an awesome job of getting these students in the word and listening to podcasts to encourage them. You can tell this is a close-knit group and it is so fun to see.

The medical team was about an hour or so away and saw about 70 patients, then gave about 100 vitamins! It was a slower day for them, but they are looking forward for serving in the church that is hosting us for their clinic!

Tomorrow is our last day in San Marcos - Please pray for students to not be discouraged, but lean on the Lord and what He is doing on this trip. We will head out for Solola on Wednesday morning.

Thank you, everyone!


  1. Thx for the updates! More pictures s of the front of the kids would be awesome!:). Prayers are being said for all, esp student and Mike’s travel and students health! Shout out to Suzy, we love you! Greta waits at the door! Blessings to all! Pray you move mountains and bring many to Christ!

  2. Lena I miss you and love the photos of you and Aja! I am so happy to see you two together! She is a great friend for you! So awesome to see what God is doing! Praying for all of you. Cindy

  3. Praying that travels were smooth and safe for Mike and the student whi needed to come back early! Praying their condition be quickly healed and that they know what great they did in Guatemala even though they had to leave early! Thanks for these daily and detailed updates! Warms my heart to hear all this good news! Kate E I am counting the days to your return and pray that you are growing in your faith and friendships! God Bless you and I love you Mom!!
    Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces returning safely very soon!!
