Friday, June 15, 2018

Guatemala - Day 6

Hello everyone!

Another wonderful day here in Guatemala. :)

I was able to get Jenny Meyer to write a little blurb about her time so far - Here it is below!

"¡Hola mis amigos! I have been having such a great time in Guatemala! I’m on the medical team so we have been setting up free clinics for poor villages and cities. It is so amazing to see all the people come together, everyone here is so loving and nice! Even nicer than us Minnesotans! I am surprised with how much I am able to communicate with the people here, it’s really inspiring to hear everyone’s stories and all they’ve been through. The craziest thing I’ve done so far is eaten some ants (about the size of a dime) that are a traditional food in Guatemala. I can’t say I would be eager to eat them again considering the texture of legs isn’t my favorite, but I want to experience all I can while I have the chance. I can already tell that this trip is doing amazing things in my life, but more importantly, the lives of others."

Today it was beautiful weather and all our teams were able to do some awesome work! The med team saw about 150 patients today! And more people came to know Christ. Praise God! We packed up all the meds tonight so we'll be ready to go in San Marcos. 

The service team was able to go get the walls up and roof on the woman's house they worked on yesterday, then prayed with her afterwards.

Children's team headed off to a school about 1.5 hours away to do their program, then had their program at a school close by, as well. They came back with "tattoos" made of gel pens that children had drawn on them, and that team members had drawn on each other! Ha!

And mime team was able to perform for two schools. They were able to teach some kids to do the mime run, and now we all want want lessons, too!

Tomorrow we are heading to stop number 3 - San Marcos! We will be spending the day at a HOT SPRINGS! But it'll be a surprise for the students. They only know to bring their swim suits!

I'm excited to see what the city of San Marcos has for us. Please pray for health - Some of our team members are beginning to feel ill. And continued energy for students. Heading into week two coming up may have them feeling fatigued, but with some fun things we have planned and a new community to experience, it will be a great way to end our time here in Guatemala!



  1. So happy to hear about your continued God works! The Chicago group came home today - changed by what God is doing in that city. I know He is doing mighty works in all of you as well. Bless and be blessed. Much love! XO

  2. Abz and group, We are praying for all of you, particularly to stay healthy. Love you so much!
    Mom and Dad .
