Friday, June 22, 2018

Guatemala - Day 13

Hola to everyone!

This is our LAST blog post of this Guatemala 2018 trip for Wooddale Senior High! Can you believe it?!

These last two weeks have both flown by and seemed as though they have lasted forever... I am so grateful to have spent time with these students and see them experience God in a beautiful way here in Guatemala.

Today was another R&R day, and this time it was in Antigua, Guatemala! This little touristy town is home to not only the most elegant and sophisticated McDonald's that I've ever seen, but also to an awesome artisan market where students were able to purchase handmade gifts and trinkets to bring home tomorrow.

Before we got to Antigua, we left Santiago this morning around 9:15. After a 4-hour drive we made it to Antigua! We parked the buses in a lot where a van from the hotel picked up our bags so we didn't have to carry them (thank you, Jesus!). From about 2-6 PM, students were able to grab lunch and shop for the afternoon.

The leaders spent a wonderful time at a lunch all together to celebrate the wonderful time we had on the trip. This restaurant had a lot of Guatemalan specialities, and many leaders had dishes ranging from fish, shrimp, steak, chicken and more chips and guacamole!

After everyone finished their lunches and shopping, we shared a dinner together at the hotel. There was a live marimba band where eventually dancers came out and performed for us! THEN - They picked people from the crowd to join them on the dance floor with maracas! It was such a blast and the dinner of steak or chicken was to die for! After finishing up with some ice cream, the team met all together one last time to share about our trip experiences.

We will be heading out to the airport tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM. Please pray for safe and smooth travels tomorrow as we head on our way home! 

Thank you all for reading once again, and we will see you at the airport tomorrow night and also at 12:30 PM on Sunday afternoon for our Mission Celebration Pot Luck in the Great Room at Wooddale Eden Prairie!

Thanks again!

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