Sunday, June 17, 2018

Guatemala - Day 8

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day! Thank you to all the dads out there who are praying over us and encouraging our students each and every day. We are grateful for YOU!

Today was our first full day in San Marcos and it was a great one!

The medical team, the mime team, and the children's team all went off to a small village about an hour an a half away from San Marcos. What we didn't realize is that we were all scheduled to be at the exact same church... At the exact same time.

Thankfully we have some awesome team members and leaders of those teams who were able to be flexible, so we made it all work!

The medical team stayed inside the church (before they even arrived, people were lined up out the door to be seen!), the children's team put on their program just right outside the church, while the mime team moved across the street to a saloon where they were able to perform there! It worked out perfectly.

The service team stuck around San Marcos today and was able to do do some work here with the local church.

After everyone got back to San Marcos this evening, we shared a dinner of pasta with red sauce, and some sort of fried mashed potato... Log, of sorts. It was great!! And of course, we had homemade tortillas, too.

Mike arrived and was able to eat dinner with us! We are SO excited to have him here for this second week!

What happened next was AMAZING - We were able to attend a service put on by the youth of the church here in San Marcos. The music was upbeat and so fun to dance and sing along to!

After the worship was done, the mime team performed and did an incredible job (as always)! Then Pastor Nery from the church shared a wonderful sermon with us.

The service finished and host homes came to pick us up and we headed out!

Please continue to pray for health of the students! It has been a great week, but hard when people are getting sick and the teams are missing people. Also pray for energy for the teams! We have 2.5 more service days left, then some time enjoying the sights and other wonderful things that Guatemala has to offer!

Below are some pictures - Thanks for reading!

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