Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Guatemala - Day 10

Hola everyone!

Today was our very last day in San Marcos! It’s crazy to think that today was our last full day of serving, too! It will be very sad to leave tomorrow, but we are looking forward to the rest of our trip!

I was at the hotel all day tending to some students who were feeling a little under the weather, but we still had a blast watching American TV shows all in Spanish! I have my laptop with me, so we were also able to watch “The Secret Life of Pets,” on my Netflix (in English, of course!).

I texted the leaders to ask for updates on their days and this is what they said:

Lynn Martinson from Children’s Team: This morning we went to a public school with 700 students. It was lots of fun leading games with so many energetic kids. Think... 100 kids doing sidewalk chalk, others jump roping, more kids playing ball games and 300 kids doing relay races. Crazy! All the kids listened to our program attentively.This afternoon we had our last program at a church  in San Marcos... A perfect finish with a smaller group of kids and parents. Our students were engaged and loved serving all the way to the end. 

Missy Beck from Med Team: Today the medical team saw 126 patients. We were so happy to be at our host church, so we didn't have to travel. Kudos to Missy, Kathy and Dr. Byron. They tirelessly see patient after patient! The rest of the team was able to take naps if they wanted to (which we try not to tell the doctors ☺️). We also disinfected all the water bottles, to try to stay healthy! 

Chris Erickson from Mime Team: The Mime Team did their presentation 4 times in 4 locations (that’s the most they’ll ever perform in one day!) And the total was 1250 students!!! Amazing!

And Joel Johnson from Service Team: We along with our Guatemala partners Davis, Jaime and Joshua worked side by side with local contractors to begin repair on a retaining wall at a pastors home made up of rock, rebar and concrete. We also helped out a widow at a more remote site to update the floor in a room from dirt to concrete and also build a kitchen addition to that same room. At both sites the students were able to learn carpentry skills and mix many batches of concrete, by hand, on the ground old school way. We hope that through our service that seeds were planted for His Kingdom. I am too blessed to have gotten to serve alongside these wonderful youth in this place!” I lift my eyes up to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2. Gods peace and love 2U my friends!

Tomorrow morning we will head out around 9 AM to Solola. We will have lunch around noon, then do some serving at the orphanage there that afternoon. 

Please continue to pray for the health of this team... Wooddalers and Guatemalans, both. These next few days will be full of fun and some rest, so prayers we are able to debrief adequately before coming back to the US on Saturday.

Thank you all! Here are some pictures from Children's team yesterday.


  1. FYI..Lisa Schmid wrote the med team update (from Missy Beck phone). I wasn't giving kudos to myself!!! Lol!!

  2. Amazing work you have all done on this trip! Last day of service, you should all be so proud of what you have done over the last week and a half. You have all certainly made a positive impact on the people you have met and hopefully you have had experiences and met people that have had the same impact on you. Fun and rest for the next few days then back on the plane to come home... can't wait to hear all the stories!

    Love you Aja, miss you so much! We can hardly wait to see you on Saturday night. Have fun and be safe!

    Love, Mom and Dad
