Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Guatemala - Day 3

Hola from Guatemala!

Today was another great day and we are feeling SO blessed by Guatemala City.

Today I was with the Mime team and WOW! They are incredible. We went to a school this morning and it ended up being the school that the Children's Team was at yesterday morning. However, today the Mimes performed for a much older group, probably mostly high school aged kids.

It was so awesome to see all the team members working together to put the stage together, put together the sound system, and more.

What was the best part, though, was seeing how much the team was praying. On the bus ride there, Chris Erickson led the mime team in a devotion on Revelation 5, then about 3-4 times throughout the morning the team prayed together for their performance.

The performance itself always takes my breath away. The message these students are able to portray through music and movement is amazing and even after seeing it three times, I'm still in awe.

Noah Johnson shared his testimony after the performance and did an incredible job!

After the morning performance we went to McDonald's for lunch! Always a fun experience to have McDonald's in another country... But the nuggets were a huge hit with me!

We got our lunch to go then headed off on a 2-hour bus ride into a more rural area of Guatemala for the team to perform again at a school. When we arrived it looked like rain was going to start, and sure enough, it did.

This was an outside performance so many of us prayed for God to stop the rain. Although it still sprinkled a little bit, God most definitely came through because the team was able to perform the ENTIRE skit AND they did it in the rain! It brought me to tears to see so many students sitting there in the rain and cold weather to hear about the love that Jesus has for us, and to see the Mime team perform.

At this school, over 80 students gave their life to Christ for the first time, and 60 rededicated their lives to him! PRAISES! It was an indescribable day. God is so good.

After the team got back to the church, everyone ate Sloppy Joes for dinner and prepared for the church service.

The worship team started us off with four songs, half in English, half in Spanish. The Mime team performed their longer skit after that and Chris Erickson went up on stage to talk about the team. And I was able to share a message from Matthew 14 with the students and members of the church who attended the service. It was the perfect end to our time in Guatemala City!

After the service many students took pictures with their home stay families, then headed home. A group of about 20 students with their host families shared an authentic Guatemalan meal at the church that the families made for us after! It. Was. AMAZING! Steak, rice, beans, guacamole, and tostadas were made for us and we were filled to the brim with the amazing food.

Tomorrow we will be traveling to Tejutla, so please keep us in your prayers! We will be driving from about 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

I also PROMISE to update the blog tomorrow with some photos of the trip so far. :)

Thank you all for reading! Continue to pray for good health and for God to work through these amazing teams!


  1. Wow! So amazing to hear how God is working. Our prayer are with you for a safe travel day.
    Abz, we miss you so much. Keep taking your meds.
    Love, Your family

  2. The day sounds so exciting! I'm so proud of you Noah for giving your testimony. All for God's glory! Praying.

  3. So great! What an amazing day you all had! I am humbled to hear of all His great works being done through you! I prayed for safe travels between cities and than you will all be under the protection of God’s wings!! Bless you! Kate E. I miss you sweet girl and know that you are doing well to keep up on your shots! You are amazing, and so are all those with you! Be safe! God Bless!
    Love, Carmen aka Mom 💜😘😉

  4. Thx for the updates! It’s so good to hear how everyone is doing and all the good God has been able to do thru the kids and adults! Loved the bus photo! Prayers are coming! Love and miss you, Suzy!!
