Monday, June 11, 2018

Guatemala - Day 2

Hi everyone!

Another wonderful day here in Guatemala!

Everyone got to the church this morning around 8-8:30 AM and couldn't stop talking about how wonderful their experience was last night with their home stay!

Greta Beck and Hayley Anderson said they went to a burrito place with HUGE burritos and ate the whole thing. Their host parents looked at them with huge eyes and asked, "Do you want another one?"

Julia Maring and Grace Hailey's host family took them GO-KARTING in the mall!

Lisa Erickson, Emma Sicliano, Jenny Meyer, and Rebecca Madsen were taken to a wood-fired pizza place with meter-long pizza!!

And after the soccer game, Jackson Pope, Quinn Schrepel, Oliver Forst, Cal McNabb, JT Bogle, Noah Johnson, Trent Kopp, Chris Erickson, David Bragg, Timmy Frederiksen, Daniel Hage, and Aidan St. George were treated to Little Ceasar's pizza, too!

Those are just a few examples of the awesome times this group had last night.

Today I was able to spend time with the Children's team and it was just amazing! We went to a school in the morning where we played parachute games and jump rope with the kids, then presented our puppet show to over 300 kids!!

After that we headed to the local mall to have lunch. Some people had Subway, others had Taco Bell, Quinn Schrepel and Jackson Pope had some chicken that they craved for the rest of the day it was so good!

After that Lena Kurtz, Aja Arachikavitz, Grace Teal, and I went to "Pops," the ice cream store in the mall and each got an ice cream cone!

We were able to spend an hour and a half at the mall so after ice cream the entire team sat at a table and played cards for awhile as we listened to an intense rain storm.

After we got done we went to the bus and thankfully it stopped raining!

We went to a second school where we found out that the mime team had been earlier that day! We were able to play frisbee and jump rope with the kids, but since it rained we couldn't bring out the parachute because it would get too wet and we wouldn't be able to use it for a couple days since it would need to dry.

We danced and sang songs with the children and handed out note cards with the Gospel message on them (same as we did in the morning) as well as salvation bracelets with different colored beads that represent different aspects of the Gospel message. That was ANOTHER 300+ kids! So today the Children's team shared the Gospel with over 600 kids!

We came back and all of the teams had a dinner of mac and cheese and hot dogs, then the med team spent about an hour debriefing after their first day of the clinic! The other teams played games with soccer balls, a beach ball, and even used a whiteboard upstairs in the church to play hangman.

That's all for today! Please be praying for our students - Some are feeling upset that their Spanish isn't as good as they would like and it's hard to communicate with the Guatemalans at times. Also pray for continued health amongst team members and that everyone remembers to keep drinking their water!

Excited to see more of God's work here in Guatemala City tomorrow!


  1. Yay! What am amazing day you all had! That is incredible! So Thankful!! I have been praying for you all through the day and will continue to do so through the trip! What a wonderful blessing that you can bestow on others and they too upon you!! Can’t wait to hear more of God in action in this trip! Kate E. I am thinking of you, and praying your health remain strong! I am proud of you for taking this adventure!! God Bless you! Love you!! Love, Mom💜
    God Bless you all and keep you!! Carmen

  2. Sounds like the Children's team is doing a great job with the kids of Guatemala. 600 kids in one day is quite the acomplishment! Not surprised to learn that Aja found the ice cream shop; sort of a tradition to try the ice cream in every place she visits :) You are all doing such important work there and we love getting the daily updates, keep them coming! Be safe and remember to be inspired by the amazing people, sights and experiences in Guatemala.

    We love you Aja and we are so proud of you!!
    Mom, Dad, Luka, Zennin
