Monday, June 19, 2017

Flag waving!

Sunday was a great day!

It was our first full day of service in San Marcos (our 5th day of service).
I had the chance to accompany the Sports/Drama team.  In the morning we went to a covered open air turf field and played a group of guys that are led by an amazing coach and pastor.  Some of the teenage Guatemalan boys have a relationship with Christ and some don’t.  Our students presented the Gospel through the drama and I preached the Gospel through the Word of God.

After the game and presentation we went to the coach/pastor’s church.  It probably is only a church of about 15-20 people in a small room.  So we almost doubled their attendance.  We worshiped to 6-7 Spanish songs played from a computer.  The pastor led the singing.  We jumped and danced.  I also had the privilege to share the Word of God with this wonderful congregation.  I taught from Acts 3 and challenged all of us to not forget that we have the Spirit of God in us to do the works and mission of God.

In the afternoon we went to another field to play and share the gospel.  4 first time decisions and 10 recommitments to Christ.  This group of soccer players is also overseen and mentored by a local pastor.  This is where the follow-up will start or continue!  We are grateful to God for these Guatemalan pastors and coaches who have been planting seeds for months and years in these teenagers lives.

The service team was moving dirt all morning, but the rain has been more than we have ever seen in past years.  Moving mud is quite difficult so we sent the service team with the children’s team in the afternoon and the boys enjoyed the time with kids.  The children’s team and program keeps getting better and better.

The mime performed once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  In the middle of the day they went to a school and jumped into the English class!  The kids loved it!

The medical team had another full day of patients.  They saw over 100! The church here (Rey Eterno Church)  has a team of prayer warriors who assist our team in praying for healing!

At night there was a massive youth event at the church.  Multiple bands played and led worship.  Our mime and drama team performed.  Pastor Nery who has hosted our teams in San Marcos for the last 10 years shared a message about walking out a pure life.

There was a point during the worship where a pastor from the church grabbed a huge US flag and waved it and danced around the sanctuary.  Then Miles Kelly grabbed a Guatemala flag and waved it back at the Guatemalan pastor.  The place went nuts!  What a scene to worship and celebrate Jesus and how he has brought our cultures together to worship Him.  (For me it was one of my highlights over the last 8 years.)

Check out some of the Father’s day notes from the students.  See below.  More to come.
Blessings to you and your family!

We are doing great!


  1. Hi Aly!! We miss you SO much. The house is so quiet (and so clean haha) without you. Nana and Papa came over for Fathers Day and I cooked breakfast for them. NOT the same as when Nana cooks for us but I gave it a shot.
    Anni misses you and Bode continues to follow me around the house as he is nervous with everyone gone.
    I have been praying for you every day along with my prayers for Kate. I know you are an amazing example to these kids and I'm excited you get to use your Spanish as well as your faith with them.
    Travel safe back to me! I love you so much and I am so proud of you!!!

  2. Hi Lauren! We are really missing you, but I know you are doing wonderful things in Guatemala! We can't wait to hear all about it! We are praying for you all!! The medical team is really working many patients!! Hopefully you have enough beanie babies!! WE will keep praying for all, both you students and the all the people who you see. Love reading the updates!! Love you!! Mom & Dad!

  3. the story about the flags... awesome! And the crowd erupted and the rest of us back home can only try to imagine the emotion that ran through that place. You honored each other that day.
    Kids - don't forget a single detail of any of your stories! May each of you be positively and permanently changed from this experience.

  4. Sounds amazing you guys are touching so many hearts. Tyrin I miss you like crazy. First time ever Shy has been out of the state and you out of the country. Its been really lonely, Bella sits at your door and cries until I open it amd she looks for you and than realizes your gone than we do the same thing at Shyanns door now... Counting the days until my loves are home.. Love you and enjoy yourself. I am so proud.

  5. Sounds amazing you guys are touching so many hearts. Tyrin I miss you like crazy. First time ever Shy has been out of the state and you out of the country. Its been really lonely, Bella sits at your door and cries until I open it amd she looks for you and than realizes your gone than we do the same thing at Shyanns door now... Counting the days until my loves are home.. Love you and enjoy yourself. I am so proud.

  6. Giving thanks for each and every one of you! The stories and the photos are amazing! You are amazing! Another shout out to John Welsh, a.ka. Hadji or Lil' Spark Plug! That last one is from Dad :-). To Mark and all the leaders, a huge Thank You! Your commitment to God, these students, and the people of Guatemala overwhelms me with gratitude. Muchísimas Gracias!

    As adventures continue, Prayers continue! See you all soon!

  7. has been so great to hear a little about every day you have been there.
    Each and every one of you are amazing and have been working hard serving our Great God. Miles, we all miss you and can't wait to have you back home and hear all about your time in Guatemala. We wish we could have been at the youth worship event. It sounds like the uniting of the flags was a crazy fun time. So proud of you and the big heart you have for God and others. Keep being a light and example of God's love. Continued prayers for all of you until you arrive home safely. Hugs from Minnesota...XO (Miles you get hugs AND kisses!!!!)
