Tuesday, June 20, 2017

God is a healer!

We are settling into beautiful San Marcos and finished our second day of serving and partnering with Rey Eterno Church.  (Eternal King Church)

The service team worked near the church moving dirt and leveling the property.  They also are building a kitchen!

Both Caroline M and David C shared their faith stories during the mime presentations and one of our translators said that their stories really connected with the audience.   Many students made commitments for Christ.

The children’s team performed in a church and school yesterday.  Lydia and Elizabeth shared their faith stories!  They have made so many balloon animals they have run out of balloons!  We are buying more today!

Our sports and drama team performed 3 times.  One place was a school for farming!  (They are really good soccer players too! Ha!)

I went with the medical team or as they call themselves, “The Scrub Squad.”  The leaders of the church each invited 10 of their non-Christian neighbors or friends who needed medical attention to the clinic on Monday.  180 people showed up.  The students and leaders have become a well-oiled mini pop-up hospital.  It’s amazing to see them serve and minister to the people of Guatemala.

Each patient receives medicine by the time they get through the clinic, but we believe in the power of prayer and love partnering with the church to pray with each patient.   Freddy is a member and leader of the church and prayed in our prayer circle all day.  (8-9 hours)

In the prayer and teaching station God healed a woman who was deaf in her right ear.  We prayed that her ear would “open up” and it did!  There was a 16 year old named Elizabeth who had extreme back pain.  She said when we prayed she felt her back get warm.  The teenager’s pain went from an 8 to a 0!  We saw 6 healings today!  We thank God for all of the ways that He is displaying his power on this trip!

I want to challenge all of you reading the blog to pray with the next person that comes into your life with physical pain.  They may be one prayer away from being healed.  Be bold and ask, “Can I pray for you?”

We ended the night celebrating Micah’s birthday and hearing a testimony from Aly about how God had touched her life and answered her prayer!

God is so faithful!
Check out some of the notes from the students below!
Until tomorrow,


  1. Thanks for the blog updates! We look forward to them every day. It's amazing to see the work God is doing through these amazing young people. We continue to pray for God to bless the people of Guatemala through you, and for Him to bless you through His service.

    Bo, we got your message! We miss you so much, and can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip. Baby seems to go back and forth from confused to cranky, and I'm sure she'll be glad to see you and Quinn - after she shuns you for a few hours. I hope you're getting some great pictures, and I can't wait to see them.

    I'm so glad to see how God is working in your life. I am truly lucky and blessed to be your dad.

    Pete Gjerness (Bo's dad)

  2. Andrew,
    We are enjoying seeing the pics and your smiling face as well as hearing the stories of your service groups adventures. You are a strong group and seem to be working well together. We miss you and are so proud of your willingness to allow God to work through you. We can't wait for you to come home and share all you have experienced.
    Love you
    Mom and Dad

  3. Thank you for all the fantastic and encouraging updates. I am praying for each one of you every day.
    For you EPHS students, say a cheer! The girls LAX and Boys Baseball teams won their state championship games this week!
    ❤️❤️ Lisa Holt
    Hugs to Caroline Holt

  4. keep working for the Lord! we are so proud of you. we can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip ! Love you so much, Claire!
    mom, dad, annie

  5. Thank you, Mark, for your updates and for your love and passion for the Lord, the people of Guatemala, and these students. We love and cherish you. Elizabeth, I'm so proud of you! It's so exciting you could share your faith story--what a privilege. We miss you tons and can't wait to have you home. I think I'm even looking forward to you smothering me while sitting on my lap! Kari, happy belated birthday! I am thankful for your joy, your steadfastness, your commitment, and so much more. The love and wisdom you pour into these students will make a difference throughout their lifetime. Xoxo Finish strong everyone! Your almost done; soak it all in and sacrifice everything you've got. He is worthy! I can't wait to hear about the flag experience and so much more. Praising God with you!

  6. Everytime I read this blog, I am truly blessed by the power and love of our Lord Jesus Christ! This trip has been life changing for all involved whether there or back home reading the blog. You are all being the hands and feet of Jesus which is what he desires for us all. Jacob, we love you and miss you and can't wait to see you face to face again! Continuing to pray for you all
