Thursday, June 22, 2017

Some pictures

Here are a few pics from the last 48 hours!


  1. Thinking and Praying for all of you as this amazing trip winds down! Excited to hear more of how God has worked in and through you all! We miss you KK and are excited to see you soon!

    "With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you as worthy of his calling and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 11-12 With Much love to you all ~ Liz and Bill Manning

  2. We are still praying for you all even on this last day of fun! It's been so exciting to read the update and see pictures every morning. God has accomplished great things through your service! Eric Olson, it's just not the same without you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow night! Love Mom & Goose

  3. HI Camryn!! We just got back to the US, and it's so fun to check the blog again after being "off the grid"! We can't wait to see you, it seems like FOREVER! So thankful for Go's hand of protection over you all!

  4. Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear first hand stories from your experiences! We've missed you, Georgia, but are SO glad you've had this time! Praying for your trip home, and that your memories of what God has done through you and in you the last two weeks will last for a lifetime! Love you!!

  5. Well done - good and faithful servants. Enjoy your day of fun and travel safely home to everyone who loves you. Aly, we love your special heart and are so happy you got to let your light shine in Guatemala. Can't wait to hear all your stories. This has been an incredible journey of faith for all of you. Blessings in His name - Jan Matson (Nana)

  6. So amazed at what God is doing through each and every one of you. So many answered prayers in so many big and small ways. Praying for endurance to the end, for your health, for safe travels and a new perspective as you enter the USA. I'm sure God has given you all a new view of life. So proud of each of you. God is Good Nikole Rutzen

  7. Wow, what a fantastic time you all have had! We have been so blessed to read the blog and see the pictures. It's hard to believe you'll be home late today. We praise God for all the blessings! We are so proud of each of you and how you have touched so many lives and vise versa. We praying for safe travels today and can't wait to hear if Benjamin spoke German to anyone. :)

  8. Ah Peter! What a great photo with the boy!!!! You always do a great job with kids :) Miss you so much and have been praying about your adventures. Enjoy your last couple days!
