Monday, June 12, 2017

Our first full day of service!

Today finally arrived.  We have been training, rehearsing and preparing five months for this day.

All the groups were active with a full day of service.

The mime team performed twice and they are getting really good at putting on their make-up.

The service team laid concrete in the second level Sunday school classrooms at Renuevo (Renew) Church.  They will resurface the entire parking lot tomorrow!

The children's team had a great start working in small little groups playing with the kids and doing their 45 minute program with songs, testimony from Camryn and games.

Sports and drama played one soccer game in the morning and basketball in the afternoon.  Hundreds of students saw and heard about the Gospel through the drama.

The medical team treated 95 patients.  While those patients waited for their medicine from our pharmacy, we prayed with all of them.  God healed five people instantly and we prayed with two people to receive Christ for the very first time.

One woman couldn't raise her right arm above her waist, and you can see from the picture that Jesus healed her completely!

In the evening we had a time of worship, an amazing faith story from one of our translators and I preached from Mark 2 and I encouraged our team to not let fear paralyze them from stepping into the mission of God.

We continue to serve a full day tomorrow in Guatemala City with a special church prayer service in the evening from 7-9pm.

Thanks for all of your prayers!  We can feel them.


  1. Sounds like an awesome first day! Praying for you all.

    Missing Lilly a lot.

  2. How exciting! Thanks for the wonderful update...and yay Camryn for giving your testimony! We'll continue to pray for God to do His amazing work through you all!

  3. We are praying for all of you as you serve, love and share your hearts with the Guatemalan people. May God give you strength, JOY and full hearts! ❤️❤️�� For Caroline Holt

  4. Yeah dream team med team & power of prayer! May God go before you, stay with you. May you see His mighty hand @ work doing things thought impossible by man/woman alone.
    Eyes be open, hearts made new. For it is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord:)
    Laurie Best RN OCA 2014

  5. Greetings from Sr Hi Chicago!
    Great to hear things are going well and to see some pictures. Looking forward to hearing about the home stays. Today we're doing the homeless meal share!

    Hi to Pierce!
    Love, Joel and Alayne

  6. Yaaaayyy God!!!!
    Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
    Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21

  7. Yay!!! Proud big sister here (of Peter Holmquist). Good job to everyone and the first day out there. Super glad everything has gone smoothly so far and it's rad to see all the ways in which God has already been moving through the students and the people in Guatemala. Sending my love from San Diego!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a God we have! For Aly, I am thinking and praying about you everyday. Couldn't stop smiling when I saw these pictures! So proud of you. May God keep shining through all of you in Guatemala. Matthew 5:16.
    With so much love,
    Ali Rosenthal

  10. Thank you for the update. The photos are wonderful! We are praying for all of you as you come alongside the local churches in Guatemala to minister to people. Praying for your home stays too! A SHOUT OUT to the Service Team and Nathan Kimball in particular.

  11. Thank you for the daily posts. Great to hear that you gave your testimony Camryn. I am praying for you and your group. Awesome to hear about the healing..Jesus is so good.

    Judy- Camryns aunt

  12. Praise God for a great first day!! It is so good to see pictures of all the groups! We will continue to pray for all of you. God is good!
    Miss you Benny!

  13. Sounds like an amazing experience so far and it's only been 2 days! Thanks for the detailed updates and pictures. Way to be servants to these 100s of Guatemalans. Miss you Maddi!
