Thursday, June 22, 2017

Solola Revival!

Yesterday we left San Marcos and traveled to Solola to an orphanage called Eagle's Nest.  Their are about 45 orphans who live here, they have a feeding program for the community along with a school and church connected to this beautiful place.  

We served for half a day.  The sports and drama team played football and soccer with the older kids.  The mime and children teams performed for the last time.  (tear!)  The med team saw several kids and families from the community and the service team moved a bunch of wood with wheel barrows. 

In the evening we went to their Wednesday night church service on the property of the orphanage.  

Then we met as a team and started sharing individually how God had touched our lives on this trip.  It turned into a 2.5 hour worship and prayer revival.  I'll share more when we arrive to Santiago. 

We are doing great.  Everyone is healthy.  But mostly our hearts are overwhelmed by what Jesus did in us and through us last night.

We love you and can't wait to share how great our God is!


1 comment:

  1. I get choked up every time I read the newest blog. What an incredible gift you have given to the Guatemalan people! I'm sure the rewards you have received have been immense. God has certainly worked his wonders through all the service teams, leaders, hosts and host families. You have all grown tremendously in your faith journeys and have an incredible support team surrounding you. Wonderful news to hear the illnesses have been at a minimum. A Mother's dream! Can't wait to see all the pictures! Praying for continued health and a safe journey home. Thanks for the daily updates Mark!
