Sunday, June 18, 2017

San Marcos!

Happy Father's Day!

We traveled yesterday from Tejutla to San Marcos.
It was a well needed rest as we have hit the halfway point!

We made it safely to San Marcos and were welcomed by the churches marimba players!

We met our final home stay families and were in bed by 10pm.
We have a full day of service today and a huge youth event tonight at Rey Eterno Church!

I'm grateful for the investment that all of you dads have made in  your kids lives.  It is inspiring for me as I pour into my kids!

Thanks for all of your prayers,



  1. Mark, thank you so much for your daily updates.
    It has become a morning routine of ours to read all the great things you all are doing and pray for the entire group. Katrina, we love you and miss you! We cannot wait to hear all about your experiences.

  2. First fathers day in 17 years that i am not spending it with my daughter. I can not think of a better reason to not be with her than knowing she is spreading Gods love around the world.
    I love you Aly, have an amazing day.

  3. Father's day! What a great heavenly father we have. How great is His love for us! How beautiful to be part of His family with each of you. Have an amazing day knowing how very loved you are.

  4. Happy Father's Day to you, Mark! Thank you for taking the time after each long day to let us know how you're all doing and give us a glimpse into the daily life of this amazing team. It's crazy to think about how many lives you've impacted in only one week.
    Love you Mads!

  5. Happy fathers day, Mark!

    Caroline Holt, we miss you sweetie! Praying for your safe return!
    xoxo Meghan and the fam
