Sunday, June 11, 2017

One of the smoothest starts!

We made it to Guatemala City!  It was pretty uneventful.
Both teams landed within 30 minutes of each other.
Everyone's bags arrived!
Jaime and his team welcomed us with open arms.
We went back to the church and had lunch and a welcome service.

Then everyone was assigned a home stay and off we went.

Thanks for all of your prayers.  We are off to a great start.
We are exhausted but grateful.

Tomorrow we have a full day of service. 


  1. Praise God for safe arrivals! I am praying Psalm 121 for you daily, while you are sourrounded by the beautiful "mountains" of Guatemala. Praying you will touch many hearts today during your first day of service. Shine for Jesus!

  2. Praising God for His hand in your arrivals and covering all the details! You got out of Mpls. just before a big storm--trees down, power outages, hail. Psalm 139:5 "You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me." His intimate knowledge, His power and His provision are protecting, directing and surrounding you all. I am praying each of you are deeply aware of His presence and hand, and that you trust Him with each opportunity and moment. We miss you already, Elizabeth, and are praying constantly for you!

  3. So glad to hear it went so well! We are constantly lifting you all up in prayer. I pray specifically for life long impact for each of you, that you will experience God in ways you could never have imagined and that your faith will be deepened profoundly. To my favorite team member, Georgia peach, I hope your first flight was a wonderful adventure. I miss you already but hope you're having the time of your life. I can't wait to hear the stories that will come from this trip.
    Oh, and try your best to fit my extensive Spanish vocabulary into a sentence at some point this week. I expect a report on how that goes when you get back, mkaaayyyy. ;) No mas pantalones!! Or whatever. XO
    The mother ship.

  4. Hooray! What a great adventure has begun and what a great God we serve! We will continue to pray for open eyes and open hearts in our children, our leaders, and in the people of Guatemala, that they are able to see the love, grace, and peace God offers each of us. We miss you, Andrew!

  5. Felicidades!!! So happy to hear the travels were uneventful. It was very stormy here, treacherous getting to church yesterday morning...and some people just got power back today! We are all praying for God's hand of protection upon you, and can't wait to hear about each and every adventure! We love you, Camryn!

  6. Nikole Rutzen: So glad to hear you all made it safely there with all your luggage! God has great plans for each and every one of you on this trip, He knew before you were born that you would be part of this great Mission trip...AMAZING!!! Praying for health, miracles, teams, safety, laughter, endurance, friendships, home stays, adults and an extra prayer for you Erik. We miss you.

  7. My heart is so full as I look at your pictures! Praying for continued health for all of you!

  8. Jan Matson (aka Aly's Nana) - God has annointed and prepared you all to do great things in His name. It sounds like you are off to a great start. We are praying for strength, encouragement and joy in each new day. Isaiah 40:31. Special blessings to our Aly - we love and miss you. Stay strong and let your light shine!!!

  9. Thanks for the updates. It's great to hear that God is doing amazing things. We continue to pray that God will keep you safe, and that you deeply will feel his presence and guiding hand.

    Pete & Kim Gjerness (Bo's parents)

  10. Guat Team! Praise God you have seen God at work already! God has sent you into His land with HIS Resurrecting power! I am praying Joshua 1:9 over each of you as you selflessly serve Christ for His Kingdom! "Have you not heard? Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Do NOT be afraid for the Lord YOUR God goes with you wherever you are."
    I promise you, give yourself fully to Him and YOU will be the one changed for serving in Guat!
    There is true JOY in following Jesus!
    Thank you for serving!
