Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Leaving San Marcos

Yesterday was our last day in San Marcos and our last full service day as a team.  (We will do a half day with the orphans in Solola, because there are only about 40 of them).

The sports and drama team went to a military school and played soccer on a much larger field.  We were about to start the drama presentation and you could see the rain rolling in.  There was a large room about 2 blocks away that they told us we could use.  I have never seen 300 high school students move so quickly and orderly!  (Remember it’s a military school!) Peter shared his story and his heart with this group and the drama continues to touch people’s lives.  We saw almost 20 students say yes to Jesus for the very first time.

In the afternoon the children’s team went to a church and when we showed up there were only 12 kids there. Over the next 10 minutes they streamed in.  More and more.  We had to set up more chairs.  Over 230 kids heard about the love of Christ through Pierce’s testimony (all in Spanish!), through the songs, through the puppets, and through the way these amazing Wooddale students have poured themselves out for this generation!

The service team served in the same location helping a family by building a kitchen.  For years they have used an open fire inside their house for cooking.  All of their eyes have been negatively affected by the smoke.  We bought a brand new stove with proper roof ventilation.  It literally changed this family’s life.  So many tears.  Wow!

in the evening, Victor, one of our translators from El Salvador preached about the importance of reading the Word everyday!

The church of San Marcos laid hands and prayed over each student before the night was over.  They gave each of us a little wood church as a souvenir! 

We are off to one of my favorite places in the world, the orphanage in Solola!

The team is doing great.  This may be a record for the least number of students getting sick.  Don’t stop praying, ha!



  1. This group of students never ceases to amaze me. You are all so eager to be Jesus' hands and feet and help wherever and whenever you can. I am sure that Guatemala will miss all of you as much as you will miss them :) The unity between all of you will be something that will never be forgotten. Miles, we can't wait to have you home with us. The military school soccer game sounds interesting. Johnny will be excited to hear those details. It is going to feel pretty different I imagine when you play again back here in the States...probably boring!!! Have fun at the orphanage and love, love, love on those kids. LOVE you MILES...XO

  2. Thanks for sharing the stories and pictures with us. It is so encouraging to hear you are doing well and seeing God's work in your service. We are praying for you all!

  3. Either by starting our day or ending it, we look forward to reading your updates as well as your pictures. What an incredible group you all are. We also continue to have supporters asking for updates on a daily basis. Can't wait for Saturday's homecoming.
