Wednesday, June 14, 2017

We made it to Tejutla!

We made it safely to Tejutla!

Bethesda Church welcomed us with a marching band playing songs by Chris Tomlin and Hillsong!
The people had made signs with our individual names on them!
We loaded in all the bags and supplies and had a great spaghetti dinner!

Tomorrow is our first service day in Tejutla.
We have a big prayer request.
Tomorrow night is a huge youth event called: Reloaded.  They have been praying that we could have the event outside in the park.  Pray for great weather!

Thanks for praying for us!


  1. The wonderful thing about mission is that you receive so much more than you give! Blessings to all of you.

  2. Praying for beautiful weather and missing you Bo! May God continue to shine his face on each of you and through each of you.

    Kim Gjerness
