Monday, June 19, 2017

Happy Father's Day from the kids! (part 1)

Happy Father’s Day Dad! I love and miss you and the rest of the family, can’t wait to see you soon.  I hope all is well as it is for me! – Caroline Holt

Happy Father’s Day Dad and Grandpa!!I hope you had a great time in Philly dad! I am having so much fun here and the kiddos are soooo cute! I hope you guys had a great day and I miss you and everyone else so much! Make sure to tell Grandma I say happy birthday and to give her a hug from me! Love you all so much!! – Josie Brill

Hey fam! Huge shout out to you dad J I’m sorry that I can’t be with you to celebrate today because you deserve to be celebrated. I admire the way that you are always there for me, fear the Lord, and are able to positively influence those around you. You are a person that I always can count on and others can too. You also continually show your grace and care to everyone! I miss you guys all so much, and I hope that everything is going well. Love y’all <3 Elizabeth Guimont

Hi everyone!!! I miss you all, but hope all is well in Minnesota! Guatemala is so great, and I can’t wait to tell you about all the adventures!! Happy Father’s Day, and I hope this is a special day for you dad. I love you more than you could ever imagine, and I’m sorry that I can’t celebrate with you today. I can’t wait to spend time with the fam and you when I get home!! Have a good vacation J-camryn

Hey guys, hope you are all doing well! I am having a lot of fun here. Can’t wait to get home and tell you guys all about it. I miss all of you and Happy Father’s Day dad!! I love all of you and I’ll see you soon.
 – Miles Kelly

Sup Fam on Fleek! Hope all is going well at home I miss you guys, but not as much as Koda and Tori!! I am having an awesome time here hanging with the kids and can’t wait to be home and tell you all about it! Happy Father’s Day Diggy, hope everyone is treating you well today! Miss you guys!!!  -Parker Halling

Hola fam!  I miss you guys so much I’m so very excited to tell you guys some amazing stories.  I am having such an incredible time here.  Happy Father’s Day Dad I hope you have an incredible day I love you so much!! So pumped to see everyone when I get back :)
-Olivia LaLuzerne

Hello family,
Happy father’s day dadifer! I miss you all so much, mainly Haylee and mom’s cooking. Guatemala has been so amazing and eye opening. I can’t wait to share with you my experiences.
-Max Scholz

Hello world! As we embark on the second week we’re all feeling a little bit tired and run down – but so grateful we have another whole week to serve and learn. Special hello to my family – Josh, I’m so glad you had fun in Canada; I can’t wait to hear all about it! Kate, I don’t know if you’d be proud of my Spanish or embarrassed…I’m so excited to see all the progress you’ve made since I left. Mom and Dad – I can’t wait to tell you all about my trip! Love you and miss you tons. Happy Father’s Day dad!!! -Kenz­

Hi Mom, Dad, Noah, Gabriella, Jonah, Alec, and all the other loved ones back home! These last 9 days have been a whirlwind – there is no amount of training that could have prepared me for this trip. It’s pushed me way out of my comfort zone, been stressful and scary at times, but I’ve learned so much more than I ever could any other way. This has been the greatest opportunity to expand my Spanish skills and I get to use it all day every day, which has been awesome (I even got to give my testimony in Spanish yesterday and have been able to serve as a translator several times). I love the people and culture of Guatemala and I’m having a great time, but I’ve been thinking of you all a lot lately. I miss you guys so much and am very excited to see you when I get back home! I hope all is going well in Minnesota. I can’t wait to share some crazy stories with you guys when I get back, but until then, just remember that I love and miss you all more than you know.
Love, Soraya


  1. Hola P-Swizzle! Thanks for the update and the Father's Day well wishes. Missed you yesterday - wasn't the same without you. Excited to hear about all of your adventures - praying every day for you and the group. Wondering if you have ridden a chicken-bus yet? Be safe, work hard, keep serving those amazing kids and let God use you as His hands and feet! Love ya, Bro! D-Sesh

  2. Oh, Soraya, we love you SO much and miss you dearly, too. Being pushed out of our comfort zone can be so scary, but remember you are doing God's work and you are making such an impact on so many people! We continue to pray for you as you enter this second week. Your message was passed along to Alec (-: and he very much appreciated your words, too. Hang in there, stay strong and try to relish all that you are doing for yourself and for the Guatemalan people. Love, mom

  3. Hey Olivia! (Mom here, using Elizabeth's account...) It is so great to see a note from you! For Father's Day, Dad took us to the 5.8 Club for some Juicy Lucys. SO delish. I had mine with lettuce and tomato so it was totally healthy. We all are looking forward to hearing ALL of your stories when you get back - we (including Charlie) miss you so much! I am praying for you and the whole group.

  4. Hola Josefina Brill! So glad to hear from you. We had dinner with Grandma last night to celebrate her 75th. We miss you and love you and are SO looking forward to hearing all your amazing stories from Guatemala.
