Friday, June 16, 2017

Changing a community

We just wrapped up our last day (4th service day) in Tejutla.  

They are amazing hosts.  This church is remarkable.

I had the privilege going with our service team.  These guys are strong, motivated and fun to serve with!  A farming family with 10 kids had been struggling and two of their children are malnourished.  Social services contacted the church and asked if they could help support this family!  We had the honor of putting in a clothes washing tub, painting the whole house white (check out the before and after pics), and laying concrete.  The family said they felt so blessed.  

How amazing that the government feels like they can contact "the church" to solve the needs and problems of the families in this community.  Praise God!

Our medical team saw over 200 patients today.  The final patient went through at 7:30pm.  It was a long day for the med team, but their attitude and compassion for the Guatemalans is second to none!  

Mime, children, and sports/drama team each had one performance in the morning and one in the afternoon.  I was happy that the mime only had 2 today since they had 5 yesterday.

Tomorrow we make our way to San Marcos!  We will stop at some hot springs as a fun half-way point activity!  The kids are excited!

These Wooddale students are doing so well.  No major sicknesses.  Prayer is their first response. Serving is a joy. They love being here...can you see it on their faces?  There is nothing like seeing God work through you!

Blessings to all of you!

Pray for our Chicago team right now!  They are driving back Saturday morning!

Prayer Team in the clinic

It was Kari's Birthday!

Jason K (sports leader) taught a master class with the marching band at 6am!


Talking to Carly and the Chicago Team!


  1. What an amazing work crew!!! Keep it up, guys!

  2. So wonderful to see how this family was blessed with your service. Keep up the great work and safe travels!

  3. Missing you, Georgia! Praying for endurance for the long days. 200 people is a lot in one day! Way to go med team! So proud of you

  4. I am praying for you all. We got back from Chicago today and God did so many amazing things there, I can't imagine how much all of your lives are changing and how much good you are doing with our savior right now. I see that the holy spirit is absolutely present. I am praying for all of you. And to my favorites Bo, Ty, and Camyrn I love you all so much. Can't wait to hear your stories and how much bigger your hearts are becoming. See you all June 25th.
    Much love, Hayley Anderson.

  5. Missing you Claire, Is your soccer team able to beat any of the Guatemala teams? I cant wait to hear your stories. Dad.

  6. Safe travels. Excited to see how God moves for the phase of the trip! Way to go! How fun is it to see God answer prayer immediately when 2 or 3 gather to pray according to His will. Awesome! Missing you, David. Go Mime team :)

  7. Congratulations on all your success in Tejutla! (Lydia - when you get home you'll need to tell me how to pronounce 'Tejutla') Miss you!

  8. One week complete! Keep up the good you are doing! Our God goes before each of us and provides what we need. We are praying for you!

    “When you, God, went out before your people, when you marched through the wilderness, the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, before God, the One of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel. You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance. Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, God, you provided for the poor.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭68:7-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
