Thursday, June 15, 2017

Let it rain!

We had another great day!

I went with the mime team and they set up in the town square. They performed while it was raining and did a great job.  

While Pastor William was sharing the Gospel after the mime performed, a 25 year old man walked toward him and knelt down beside him. William felt led to pray and ask God to cast out a demon from this man.  See the picture below! When he went over and sat down next to one of our translators he told Victor, "Something left me."   We praise God for his power!

The night ended with a huge youth event outdoors.  The rain held off during the worship but started up during the mime presentation.  (The mime team performed 5 times today.  They are champs!)  
We turned the stage around so the people could sit under the roof and finished the mime and drama performances.  I preached from Matthew 4 and challenged the Americans and the youth from Tejutla to follow Christ in every area of their lives!

God is at work in these students lives in miraculous ways.  Keep praying for them.  I can see transformation happening right in front of my eyes!  Praise God!

We have another full service day tomorrow!

Blessing from Tejutla,


  1. What a joy to see the work God is doing through you in Guatemala! I pray the work He is doing IN each of you is just as fruitful. It sounds like you've had busy days and lots of patients, kids and performances. I am praying for strength of each team, for unity, and for each of you to use any weakness or exhaustion to lean into the supernatural power within you. God will supply all your needs and His power is made perfect in weakness. Keep showing Jesus to those your serving and those your serving with, and be good to those amazing leaders! I love and miss you, Elizabeth!

    “But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭ESV

  2. So proud of you mime team! For your perseverance, your servant hearts, your selflessness! Praise God! Hugs to all of you! Can't wait to see you when you are home. And give that director of yours a peck on the cheek from me (he likely will go running!). �� Lisa

  3. What a sense of thankfulness, pride, and gratitude I had as I saw the picture of the mime team this morning. It is truly humbling to see. But you are doing so with amazing perseverance. I continue to pray that your Word is heard and felt and that you open up many hearts and minds. However, I also pray that your hearts and minds are opened - even more - through these amazing experiences you are having. Blessings to you on your long days. May they be richly blessed with endurance, patience and rest knowing that God is working through you to transform many lives, including yours. Soraya, you are dearly loved and missed.

  4. I have had a week off here, at home doing big projects around our house. Whenever I would feel tired, I would think of the service team, pouring and finishing cement for a school there, and what must have been a big job laying white rock to cover an entire parking lot of a church. Kirsten and I have been on "prayer walks" praying for the entire group and ministry there in Guatemala. Your hard work and perseverance with the rain is impressive. God bless you all; Nathan Kimball, we miss you and are so proud of the work you and your team have accomplished so far. I hope you have had the chance to use your drumming to praise and worship God.

  5. Praise God for all your serving hands!! It is such a joy to hear and see God working through all of you. Keep up the good work!
    I heard these words from a song this morning; "just imagine what a beautiful world this would be if every person had the love of Jesus in their heart".
    Each and every one of you are doing your part to spread the love of Jesus....beautiful!
    God bless all of you & will keep praying.

  6. Love seeing all the pictures and hearing the updates of the trip. Beyond grateful to see how God is using each of you on this trip. Special shout out to our favorite mime, Greta. We love and miss you!

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